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  • v  cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations
  • v  disturb the peace of mind of; afflict with mental agitation or distress
  • v  change the arrangement or position of
  • v  subject to prolonged examination, discussion, or deliberation
    vex the subject of the death penalty
  • v  be a mystery or bewildering to
    a vexing problem

  • After sometime, the loud music stopped vexing or bothering us.
  • The Daily Mirror's article was a piece of journalistic enterprise designed to vex the publishers of the New York Daily News, its rival, and of the nickel weekly Liberty.
  • Now the states seem to be on a slow boil once again which can only vex and worry the people at the helm of affairs.
News & Articles

  • Marion to host VEX state championship
    To qualify for the 2014 VEX Robotics World Championship, Ohio teams will have to qualify in Marion first.
    June 10, 2013 - The Marion Star
  • History photo
    To qualify for the 2014 VEX Robotics World Championship, Ohio teams will have to qualify in Marion... - 8:22 pm
    June 10, 2013 - The Marion Star
  • Cardington-Lincoln High School Holds Graduation Sunday
    To qualify for the 2014 VEX Robotics World Championship, Ohio teams will have to qualify in Marion... - 8:22 pm
    June 10, 2013 - The Marion Star

  • Dean Kamen in PR Newswire (press release)
    The ultimate goal of the FIRST Vex Challenge is to reach more young people so they can discover the excitement and rewards of science, technology and engineering. And now we have the opportunity to impact even more students,said Dean Kamen,...
  • Jane Austen in Seattle Times
    In her novel "Emma," Jane Austen describes the title character as "handsome, clever and rich ...... with very little to distress or vex her."
  • Alan Simpson in Peninsula On-line
    Panel members echoed Bush's call to set aside politics, with Republican former senator Alan Simpson saying "we're not here to vex and embarrass the administration" and Vernon Jordan, a close friend to Democratic former president Bill Clinton,...

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