Simple numbers often puzzle me, astronomical numbers always bewilder me and drive me crazy.
The assassination continues to bewilder the men.
But an international match presents hurdles in business as in love: differing societal attitudes, wily competition and cultural quirks to bewilder the most sophisticated suitor.
2014 World Cup: Did Brazil Provide the Blueprint to Dethrone Spain? The comparisons of Spain to Barcelona recently have been endless, as many question whether their reigns of dominance are coming to a close with major losses to Brazil and Bayern Munich, respectively. The two teams play brilliant tika -taka football, with excellent passing combinations that bewilder and frustrate teams for minutes on end, as they are unable to come near touching the ball ...
July 2, 2013 - Bleacher Report
Michael Attenborough in Others counter that the passion and wit in Edgar's writing give it the inexorable power to move and perhaps even change audiences: "He has tackled subjects that bewilder, puzzle and fascinate him," says Michael Attenborough, who directed...