bewilder :

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bi wil der

  • v  be a mystery or bewildering to
  • v  cause to be confused emotionally

  • Simple numbers often puzzle me, astronomical numbers always bewilder me and drive me crazy.
  • The assassination continues to bewilder the men.
  • But an international match presents hurdles in business as in love: differing societal attitudes, wily competition and cultural quirks to bewilder the most sophisticated suitor.
News & Articles

  • 2014 World Cup: Did Brazil Provide the Blueprint to Dethrone Spain?
    The comparisons of Spain to Barcelona recently have been endless, as many question whether their reigns of dominance are coming to a close with major losses to Brazil and Bayern Munich, respectively. The two teams play brilliant tika -taka football, with excellent passing combinations that bewilder and frustrate teams for minutes on end, as they are unable to come near touching the ball ...
    July 2, 2013 - Bleacher Report

  • Michael Attenborough in
    Others counter that the passion and wit in Edgar's writing give it the inexorable power to move and perhaps even change audiences: "He has tackled subjects that bewilder, puzzle and fascinate him," says Michael Attenborough, who directed...

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