How to Dispose Leaves EUGENE, Ore. — It’s that time of the year when lots of people in Eugene will be working hard out in their yards to rake up leaves. If you find yourself raking leaves and not having anywhere to put them, the city’s leaf collection program starts in a few weeks. “It is the time of … Continue reading »
Oct. 31, 2013 - KEZI 9 Eugene
Volunteers Needed for Annual ‘Rake Up the Flathead’ Volunteers and projects are needed for the ninth annual Rake Up the Flathead on Nov. 8-9. The United Way Volunteer Center is coordinating the event and is seeking both volunteers to do fall yard work and referrals of senior citizens or disabled people who need help with fall projects. Whether it’s raking leaves, stacking firewood or hauling leaves to the refuse site, volunteers can help ...
Oct. 29, 2013 - Flathead Beacon
Spokane families enjoying changing weather SPOKANE, Wash.—The cold and fog is settling in over Spokane signaling fall has arrived in the Inland Northwest. One boy is enjoying the change in weather. He was outside on Sunday helping his family rake up leaves. "It's pretty fun if you jump in and get dirty all over,” said 5-year-old Kael. He said he does not mind helping out at his parent’s Spokane home on the South Hill. "It ...
Oct. 28, 2013 - Spokane