baffle :

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ba fuhl

  • n  a flat plate that controls or directs the flow of fluid or energy
  • v  be a mystery or bewildering to
  • v  hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of
  • v  check the emission of (sound)

  • For their first official adaptation from a prime American author, they have stayed remarkably faithful to the Cormac McCarthy story, including a detour at the end that will baffle .
  • Viet Cong tunnels are shored with bamboo, take right-angle turns roughly every ten yards to baffle the blast of satchel charges dropped in the mouths of the tunnels.
  • But what about here and here and here and here--all the countless places and ways the brain continues to baffle us? Here still be dragons.
News & Articles


  • James Moody in Jazz Police
    Poking fun at himself and government leaders, Moody told the audience that "if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit!"
  • Anna Bligh in
    There will be no dam built on Baffle Creek for as long as I am premier and as long as I lead the Queensland government - in fact I can't see a dam being built on Baffle Creek in my lifetime,Ms Bligh told reporters in Ipswich. "All of the...
  • Ellen Ochoa in Washington Post
    Reflecting the quick turnaround, Ellen Ochoa, an astronaut and director of flight crew operations, called the allegations of astronaut drinking "events that baffle us."

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