wild :

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  • n  a wild primitive state untouched by civilization
    he lived in the wild
    they collected mushrooms in the wild
  • n  a wild and uninhabited area left in its natural condition
    it was a wilderness preserved for the hawks and mountaineers
  • a  marked by extreme lack of restraint or control
    wild talk
    wild parties
  • a  in a natural state; not tamed or domesticated or cultivated
    wild geese
    edible wild plants
  • s  in a state of extreme emotion
    wild with anger
    wild with grief
  • s  deviating widely from an intended course
    a wild bullet
    he threw a wild pitch
  • s  (of colors or sounds) intensely vivid or loud
    wild colors
    wild shouts
  • s  without a basis in reason or fact
  • s  talking or behaving irrationally
  • s  involving risk or danger
    a wild financial scheme
  • s  fanciful and unrealistic; foolish
  • s  located in a dismal or remote area; desolate
    a godforsaken wilderness crossroads
    a wild stretch of land
  • s  intensely enthusiastic about or preoccupied with
  • s  without civilizing influences
    wild tribes
  • s  (of the elements) as if showing violent anger
  • r  in an uncontrolled and rampant manner
  • r  in a wild or undomesticated manner
    growing wild
    roaming wild

  • The wild horses and burros of the romantic old West are fast disappearing.
  • In a lively Christmas crop of books for children, there are dragons, wildebeests, camels, hop frogs -- and a dose of the real world too.
  • Tens of thousands of "mustangs" and "fuzztails" the wild descendants of horses that, have strayed from ranches used to roam the vast sagebrush ranges of the.
News & Articles


  • Brad Keselowski in MiamiHerald.com
    Just a wild ride that was uncalled for,Keselowski said. "To come back and intentionally wreck someone, that's not cool. It could have killed someone in the grandstands. I know it's a little ironic that I'm saying it, but at least I didn't...
  • Barack Obama in FOXNews
    It's hard to deny that some of the contagion did start on Wall Street,Obama said, asserting that some firms took "wild and unjustified risks" and some government regulators were "asleep at the switch."
  • Heidi Klum in USA Today
    I am sorry when a young person gets thrown so off track,Klum said, according to a transcript of an interview that will be aired Monday night by the German broadcaster ARD. "She has, of course, lived an extremely wild life."

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