The trouble is, men are facially prejudiced they judge a woman by her looks.
Basing opposition to an entire major enactment on isolated (and strained) interpretations of facially innocuous sentences is just baying at the moon.
If Iran did not have a facially fraud-proof balloting system, capable of being audited, by recounts, observers, signed certificates, operated by local citizens, then you would have .
Referendum Set For August 20 In a court ruling last Monday, NY State Supreme Court Justic F. Dana Winslow ruled that 4976 signatures were facially valid to place a referendum before the residents of Oyster Bay next month on the sale of the town’s public works complex to Simon Property Group, the Albanese Organization and Castagne Properties. A total of 4,599 signatures were required for the referendum - the vote will take ...
July 24, 2013 - Plainview - Old Bethpage Herald
Mick Keelty in TVNZ Certainly facially he's been identified by General Gorries Mere, who's been heading the terrorist tracking team for three years,Mr Keelty told Southern Cross radio. "So we've got no reason to believe it's not right. It's just that...
Amanda Holden in Holden, who has previously been a strong supporter of Susan, says to Carr: "I think she looks a bit like Eddie Large facially, or Piers Morgan with a wig. That's obviously why she loved him, because they always say you fall in love with someone you...