In the deceptively gentle pastels of the slender 338-word book lurked naked monsters from the id, great horned behemoths who "gnashed their terrible teeth and rolled their terrible .
He was a terrible wrestler.
Why do they feel terrible? Is it because they don't have a goal, or is that lack of a goal a symptom of feeling terrible? The crucial point is that we all feel terrible at times.
Jason Leffler's Tragic Death Leaves a Hole in the Heart of the Entire Auto Racing Community COMMENTARY | I remember hearing the terrible news about up-and-coming fourth-generation driver Adam Petty after his fatal crash at New Hampshire in 2000 (This can't be happening, running through my head), and immediately calling my best friend to break the bad news to him at work.
June 13, 2013 - Yahoo! Contributor Network via Yahoo! Sports
The terrible twos Almost every parent gets one sooner or later. The adorable infant becomes a delightful toddler but then changes into a “terrible two.” It’s like the less than appealing caterpillar metamorphosing into
June 12, 2013 - Williston Herald
William Shatner in Wired News Talk about festering and not living the truth of your life and feeling badly about yourself and being fearful that somebody'll find out this terrible, terrible secret, so he thought,Shatner says. "Like, who cares? Be gay, don't be gay --...
Milton Bradley in It's terrible. And now, because of him, my knee's hurt,said Bradley, a second-half catalyst for the Padres who was in his third game back from an injury that sidelined him for nearly two weeks. "If this costs me my season because of that,...
Michael Vick in Philadelphia Inquirer I know, as we all know, in the past I have made some mistakes,Vick told an overflowing media audience. "I have done some terrible things. I made a horrible mistake. And now I want to be part of the solution and not the problem."