While many artists, especially sculptors and installation artists, are steadfast members of a "slacker" generation, Kiki, 52, embraces craft, the dreaded C word of the art world.
I once dreaded teaching "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"; the word "nigger" jeering from every page made .
Portugal's Gil Eanes rounds West Africa's dreaded Cape Bojador, off the Western Sahara.
Snowden Smuggled Documents From NSA on a Thumb Drive The dreaded thumb drive has struck the Defense Department again as word comes that NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden smuggled out thousands of classified documents on one of the portable devices, despite the military's efforts to ban them.
June 13, 2013 - Wired News
Mitakon Lens Turbo The Mitakon Lens Turbo allows you to use full-frame SLR lenses on APS-C mirrorless cameras, without introducing the dreaded crop factor.
June 13, 2013 - PC Magazine
Oprah Winfrey in International Herald Tribune Yes, you're adding correctly; that means the dreaded 2-0-0,Winfrey writes. "I was so frustrated I started eating whatever I wanted - and that's never good."
Vice President Dick Cheney in ABC News Biden also sniped at Vice President Dick Cheney, saying that after he takes the job, Americans trying to do the right thing and honor the Constitution "no longer will the eight most dreaded words in the English language be 'The vice president's...
James Madison in The Jackson Citizen Patriot - MLive.com He wrote "Of all the enemies to public liberty, War is, prehaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. As the parent of armies, war encourages debt and taxes, the known instruments for bringing the many...