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suhb vurt

  • v  cause the downfall of; of rulers
    subvert the ruling class
  • v  corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality
    Do school counselors subvert young children?
  • v  destroy property or hinder normal operations
  • v  destroy completely
    we must not let our civil liberties be subverted by the current crisis

  • There is a slave mentality of committing small sabotages to subvert the system.
  • Wang was reportedly arrested soon after his brave deed and accused of being a "counterrevolutionary, a traitor and a political hooligan" who attempted to subvert members of the army.
  • But he seems gleefully eager to subvert even the most pervasive presumptions about him.
News & Articles

  • Standing Up for Privilege
    We’ve already seen a dangerous growing trend – large corporate interests using the power of government to subvert the legal system. In the world of economics, it’s called rent seeking . It’s what I’ve written about several times concerning how Monsanto has succeeded in gaining immunity by back-dooring provision into legislation. While rent seeking is generally accomplished legislatively, it ...
    June 11, 2013 - Injury Board

  • Morgan Tsvangirai in Reuters
    Mugabe is determined to turn the whole country into a war zone in order to subvert the will of the people and steal the June 27th election by any means possible,Tsvangirai said while campaigning in Bulawayo on Wednesday.
  • George Washington in Dakota Voice
    George Washington said, "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports:In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars...
  • Anwar Ibrahim in USA Today
    I have been told that my assassination has not been ruled out as means to subvert the people's will and bring an end to the transformational changes taking place in Malaysia,Anwar said.

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