All of them inscribe small, scorchingly hot orbits too, but Mayor's instruments which detect planets by the gravitational wobbles they cause their suns should be sensitive .
It has patented a device that uses a laser beam to inscribe gems with a trademark and seven-digit number that is visible only under magnification.
Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka personally took writing brush in hand to inscribe ten poetic characters.
Love Locks spread to Seattle sweethearts UNIVERSITY PLACE — Sweethearts wanting to proclaim their undying love via “love locks” are taking over the Chambers Creek pedestrian bridge. It’s a romantic gesture where people inscribe a padlock with their name and usually a date or special message …
Aug. 8, 2013 - Q13 FOX Seattle
Lawrence Frank in (blog) Actually, that one is Jerry West,Frank explained. "They just forgot to inscribe it. I got another one: 'If what you did yesterday looks great, you didn't do much today.'" "Hell, no. Or that one I used on media day: What is coaching?...
Wajdi Mouawad in Globe and Mail When I accepted the job, I asked myself, what can I bring personally, what in my story can I inscribe in the history of the NAC French theatre,Mouawad says, over the phone from Ottawa.
Chris Beutler in Beatrice Daily Sun We can inscribe their names in our minds, as if inscribed in granite, and honor them by saying aloud their names in the peaceful days ahead when we reflect on the good life and upon how it came to be,Beutler said.