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en ter

  • v  to come or go into
    the boat entered an area of shallow marshes
  • v  become a participant; be involved in
    enter a race
    enter an agreement
    enter a drug treatment program
    enter negotiations
  • v  register formally as a participant or member
  • v  be or play a part of or in
  • v  make a record of; set down in permanent form
  • v  come on stage
  • v  take on duties or office
  • v  put or introduce into something
  • v  set out on (an enterprise or subject of study)

  • Enter the Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator.
  • When hijras try to apply for jobs, watchmen often refuse to let them enter offices.
  • The World Trade Center and Pentagon tragedies produced astonishing twin images of .
News & Articles


  • Tiger Wood in Oneindia
    I only enter events to win and I didn't get it done. I didn't hit the ball good enough and I made too many mistakes around the greens,Tiger Woods said.
  • Billy Martin in Boston Globe (registration)
    We look forward to the Council's completion of the process, allowing the agreement to enter into force on August 1, 2010, thus fully restoring this important counterterrorism tool and resuming the sharing of investigative data that has been... Barack Obama http://www.google.com/url?q=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNHQ0yfPaaXFGqLKymRgcres0I2nuA WireUpdate http://www.google.com/url?q=http://wireupdate.com/local/obama-welcomes-european-parliament-vote-to-approve-bank-data-transfers-to-the-u-s-to-combat-terrorism/&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNGSY1faUbI1c_rfbHYT5j1l3tU_oA Jul 8, 2010 33368 42659 enter Mr. Vick has agreed to enter a plea of guilty to these charges and to accept full responsibility for those actions and for the mistakes he has made," Billy Martin, one of Vick's attorneys, said in a statement. "Michael wishes to apologize to...

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