dissipated :

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dis uh pay tid

  • v  to cause to separate and go in different directions
  • v  move away from each other;
  • v  spend frivolously and unwisely
  • v  live a life of pleasure, especially with respect to alcoholic consumption
  • s  unrestrained by convention or morality
    deplorably dissipated and degraded
  • s  preoccupied with the pursuit of pleasure and especially games of chance
    led a dissipated life

  • The distance between that trouble and our everyday lives has dissipated due to the widespread availability of cable news and the Internet.
  • The pastoral joys of baseball, joys that no other sport can match, have dissipated.
  • Whatever political value these votes once had getting Republicans on the record in favor of continuing the war has long since dissipated and may actually work against the .
News & Articles

  • Officials to conduct storm damage survey today
    The line of storms that battered northern Iowa last night, producing multiple reported tornadoes, has dissipated and today should be mostly sunny, meteorologists said.
    June 13, 2013 - The Des Moines Register
  • Photos: Troutville Trail Days on June 8
    Finally the rains dissipated and the Hiker Hustle took place under clearing skies on June 8. 30 people, many of them hikers and others student member of CAMS and RMMS Trail Dog Clubs, ran the 5K in the second annual event held on and along Sunset Avenue in Troutville. All day Saturday activities filled the [...]
    June 11, 2013 - Roanoke Times

  • Barack Obama in New York Times
    Sadly, some of the unity we felt after 9/11 has dissipated,Mr. Obama said. "We can argue all we want about who's to blame for this, but I am not interested in re-litigating the past. I know that all of us love this country."
  • Nadeem Ahmed in AFP
    The cyclone has "not dissipated to the extent we were earlier anticipating, which means it could be very dangerous when it hits Pakistan," Nadeem Ahmed, head of the National Disaster Management Agency, told Geo television.
  • John Stauber in Taipei Times
    Once the cameras were turned off, and the media coverage dissipated, then it's been business as usual: no real reform, just keep feeding slaughterhouse waste,said John Stauber, an activist and co-author of Mad Cow USA: Could the Nightmare...

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