Most of the reasons for not taking action in Iraq are mere twaddleHammarskjold-twaddle, world opinion-twaddle, other kinds of twaddle.
Trump, Donald twaddle from Twitter shocking discovery about twaddle about Universal chairmen of acknowledge suckiness of movies made by.
That may sound like self-serving twaddle if you have experienced racial profiling firsthand, as a staggering 52% of black men said they had in a study co-sponsored by the .
Benton County Letters, June 26, 2013 Script from Fox Dear Editor: The reason I believe that a few recent contributors get all of their “news” from FOX is because their letters read like the script of a typical FOX show: a mess of talking point twaddle without any truth or evidence to back up any of the accusations and allegations! With [...]
June 26, 2013 - Star Press Union
Gus MacPherson in Sports Network MacPherson told the club's official website: "We did try to get Marc Twaddle from Partick Thistle, but we couldn't match their valuation of the player."
Desmond Tutu in Twak twak! Absolute twaddle,Tutu said at a Youth Day celebration, about the international call to ban vuvuzelas. "You've come to SA and you are going to enjoy everything that's South African. I say blow them even louder."
Ian McCall in Glaswegian McCall said: "I think for the likes of Harkins, Tuffey and Twaddle this may have a bearing on them. They are all under contact for another year but we would like to try and get them signed up for an extra year. Then, if we don't manage to compete at...