At the New York City headquarters of International Flavors and Fragrances (IFF), master perfumers experiment with novel smell combinations in the largest fine fragrance perfumery .
To capture the fragrance of a flower without having to kill it, IFF uses a kind of "smell camera" that detects and absorbs the particles that surround a plant to record its scent.
Smell-O-Vision: The Scent of a Movie A history of smell in the movies Retro Future The concept of Retro Future is based on a simple question: What happened to all that futuristic .
A concussion can affect one's sense of smell, taste Dear Dr. Roach: My'-year-old grandson sustained a concussion while skateboarding. He does not remember the event, which happened about a month ago. He is back in college and can manage his studies. However, he lost his senses of smell and taste. This is very depressing to him. His neurologist states he will not retrieve them. What do your studies show?
June 12, 2013 - Detroit News
Strolling the gardens The smell of lilac is thick in Eloise Clayton's backyard as she explains how she's created her garden.
June 12, 2013 - Grand Island Independent
Sweet smell of demolition almost in the air ELLSWORTH — A vote by the City Council last week moved the old wastewater treatment plant on Water Street one step closer to being merely a smelly memory.
June 11, 2013 - Fenceviewer