blockaded :

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b lokay did

  • v  hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of
  • v  render unsuitable for passage
  • v  obstruct access to
  • v  impose a blockade on
  • s  preventing entry or exit or a course of action
    the blockaded harbor

  • And then, as Saturday's protesters began heading to the Square, they found it and the approaching streets blocked by riot police, who had blockaded the entire town, forcing the .
  • The court decision was greeted with euphoria by thousands of antigovernment protesters who had blockaded Bangkok's two airports for over a week and had previously besieged the .
  • Roads in the capital are suddenly being blockaded.

  • Leslie Gelb in BusinessWeek
    The US and Britain "were at war with Germany and Japan and blockaded them," Gelb wrote. "I can't remember international lawyers saying those blockades were illegal, even though they took place on the high seas in international waters."
  • Fidel Castro in Reuters
    Bush will discover that the empire's political and economic system can't compete in the area of vital services such as education and health with Cuba, assaulted and blockaded for almost 50 years,Castro wrote in an editorial published by the...
  • Yuriy Lutsenko in San Diego Union Tribune
    We did not blockade the Cabinet of Ministers. We blockaded only one person: Viktor Yanukovych,said Yuriy Lutsenko, a lawmaker and member of the Socialist Party, which backed Yushchenko in last weekend's runoff.

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