In South Carolina's primary last July, he outpolled six other candidates, then went on to trounce favored Congressman William Jennings Bryan Dorn in the runoff.
Patrick, 52, shocked the commonwealth's political establishment in 2006 when he came out of nowhere to defeat a long-favored Democrat in the primary and trounce an incumbent .
Prices go up and they go down, but give stocks enough time and they deliver returns that trounce those of bonds, real estate, commodities or any other asset class.
Cards' ratings trounce NBA, NHL finals The NBA and NHL seasons recently concluded, and there was a clear-cut winner on St. Louis television — the Cardinals. As usual, the championship series of the NBA trounced the title round of the NHL in ratings nationally and locally. But neither could catch the Cardinals in the St. Louis market. According to The Nielsen Co., 10.5 percent of U.S. homes with a television tuned in, on average, to ...
June 28, 2013 - St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Ed Stelmach in Reuters Canada Speaking to executives at a private address in Calgary on Thursday, Stelmach said "he will not trounce existing agreements" the newspaper reported, citing notes taken by sources at the presentation.
Bob Clarkson in That would definitely make me more keen to stay on because we would trounce him,Mr Clarkson said in September.
Arlene Phillips in Arlene says: "He called me the Queen of Mean and boasted that the X Factor would trounce Strictly Come Dancing. I said that was rubbish - our show would be a bigger hit."