reprimand :

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re pruh mand

  • n  an act or expression of criticism and censure
  • v  rebuke formally
  • v  censure severely or angrily

  • While the House could censure Frank or reprimand him, colleagues and constituents so far have been generally sympathetic.
  • Faces reprimand Joint Interrogation and Debriefing Center Lieut.
  • A reprimandan official statement of disapprovalis the House's mildest form of punishment for serious misconduct by members.
News & Articles


  • Phillip Fulmer in
    The Democrats' decision not to reprimand Congressman Murtha for violating the very ethics rules put in place by this Congress in January represents yet another broken promise by the new majority. It sends a message to the American people that our... John Boehner FOXNews,2933,274600,00.html&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNEWYbsXagJM7m05U2XFLDcsLiw78A May 22, 2007 82836 110374 reprimand I received the expected reprimand from commissioner Slive regarding my comments on officiating this season. I should have worked through the SEC office channels to express my frustrations," Fulmer said in a statement Wednesday.
  • Isaac Bruce in USA Today
    He was just doing what a coach does,wide receiver Isaac Bruce said. "Sometimes you have to reprimand. Guys have to be held accountable and we need to be self-motivators."

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