stuh dee
- n a detailed critical inspection
- n applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading)
no schools offer graduate study in interior design - n a written document describing the findings of some individual or group
this accords with the recent study by Hill and Dale - n a state of deep mental absorption
she is in a deep study - n a room used for reading and writing and studying
he knocked lightly on the closed door of the study - n a branch of knowledge
anthropology is the study of human beings - n preliminary drawing for later elaboration
- n attentive consideration and meditation
- n someone who memorizes quickly and easily (as the lines for a part in a play)
he is a quick study - n a composition intended to develop one aspect of the performer's technique
a study in spiccato bowing - v consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning
- v be a student; follow a course of study; be enrolled at an institute of learning
- v give careful consideration to
- v be a student of a certain subject
- v learn by reading books; I must hit the books now"
He is studying geology in his room - v think intently and at length, as for spiritual purposes
He is meditating in his study
- Laser printer emissions may damage your health, says a new study -- not to mention the load of indoor air pollutants we're breathing 90% of the time.
- A newlywed ponders a study that has more than 60% of women saying their husbands' moms cause them long-term stress.
- A new study suggests that idly doodling during meetings or boring lectures helps people pay attention and retain more information.