But what really may have given the canvassing board pause was a sight that strikes fear in any Florida politician, especially elected Dade County judges .
Reportedly lost 20 pounds while canvassing for her first seat in public office during her 1985 campaign to join the Rio Hondo Community College Board of Trustees.
Just two hours after a near riot outside the counting room, the Miami-Dade canvassing board voted to shut down the count.
Huachuca City recount moving forward HUACHUCA CITY — Following a brief special meeting to allow the town council to canvass last month’s general election results and request the recount of those results, two incumbents and one newly-elected council member were sworn into public offices on Monday. While the single vote separating the two candidates for mayor necessitates a recount by state law, any change in the final figures is not ...
June 12, 2013 - The Sierra Vista Herald
Barack Obama in Washington Post What we are kicking off this weekend is what we are claiming is the biggest grass-roots canvass, this early, in presidential campaign history,said Obama. "We have people canvassing from New York to San Diego, all across the country."
Peter Costello in Sydney Morning Herald Mr Costello says the top echelons of the Liberal Party spent the APEC summit "in parallel universes - face-to-face meetings with world leaders, then meetings at night to canvass Howard's departure".
Tony Abbott in Melbourne Herald Sun Having now done a very full canvass of my colleagues, it's pretty clear that they want, at least in some senses, a break with the Howard era,Mr Abbott said. "I was a member of John Howard's Praetorian Guard, you might say."