plunge :

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  • n  a brief swim in water
  • n  a steep and rapid fall
  • v  thrust or throw into
  • v  drop steeply
    the stock market plunged
  • v  dash violently or with great speed or impetuosity
    She plunged at it eagerly
  • v  begin with vigor
    She plunged into a dangerous adventure
  • v  cause to be immersed
    The professor plunged his students into the study of the Italian text
  • v  fall abruptly
    It plunged to the bottom of the well
  • v  immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate
  • v  devote (oneself) fully to

  • When Rosie and ABC couldn't come to an agreement for her to return to the program next fall, it was for me a plunge on the roller coaster.
  • That's why we need Spyfish, a gadget for divers who aren't quite ready to take the plunge.
  • The CEO of cell-phone-software maker Openwave had seen his firm's stock plunge more than a third in a single week, and he was about to address jittery investors.
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