dow er
- s stubbornly unyielding
dour determination - s harshly uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance
a dour, self-sacrificing life - s showing a brooding ill humor
the proverbially dour New England Puritan
- Ayatullah Ruhollah Khomeini, the dour cleric who led an Islamic revolution in Iran, perceived himself above all as an avenger of the humiliations that the West had for more than a .
- After her dour 2003 album, American Life, she has migrated back to her safe place, and it's nice to hear her strutting again.
- Throughout much of the 1980s, many loyalists of the Marxist-oriented Sandinista Party suspected that Daniel Ortega Saavedra, their dour leader and the country's President from 1979 .