The Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee are either playing a very delicate game of good copbad cop with President Obamas nominee to the nations highest court .
Jean Dides used to be an eager Communist-chasing cop.
Obviously, the cop made a mistake here, but the mayor can't acknowledge it.
Cop stories: Drunk says wife left him for female neighbor Cop storiesThey are cop stories, some of them written up by police in their daily reports, some of them so removed from the stop or arrest the cops just keep them in mind when they gather and talk about their days in the field.
June 13, 2013 - Dayton Daily News
Cop Logs’ greatest hits We at The Press reject the news axiom “if it bleeds, it leads,” but we understand why so many readers tell us they love our Cop Logs page: not only do they get a factual tableau of East County’s law enforcement scene; they get a glimpse into the lighter side of crime (“enraged shopper in supermarket bludgeons fellow shopper with frozen tuna”).
June 13, 2013 -
Stephen Hadley in Reuters I think unfortunately a lot of countries say 'well, if we say we are not going to the opening ceremonies, we've checked the box on Tibet' -- that's a cop out,Hadley said on "Fox News Sunday."
Vivica Fox in International Herald Tribune LOS ANGELES: Vivica A. Fox called a California Highway Patrol officer a "racist white cop" during her drunken driving arrest and repeatedly failed sobriety tests, according to a CHP report.
Matt Brown in Independent Delivering a statement in his constituency south of Sydney, surrounded by tearful friends and family, Mr Brown said: "I'ma human being and I made a mistake, and I'm going to cop the consesquences of that mistake."