In Mexico City's bull ring last Sunday afternoon 24,000 men women (a capacity crowd) paid $25,000 (boxoffice prices, not including scalpers' prices) to see three matadors risk.
Shouts of men, screams of women, and the deep bellowing of a bull deeply wronged, enlivened, last week, the vivacious street life of downtown Madrid.
Justin McBride has earned over $5 million as a professional bull rider, more than anyone in the sport's history.
Pit bull chewed toes off owner as he slept KRISTEN BUTLER, A pit bull puppy chewed two toes off its diabetic owner and ate portions of his foot as he slept.
June 13, 2013 - UPI
Bull riding joins Southern Pride MARION — Thirty-five of the nation’s top bull riders will converge on an unlikely venue for a competitive outing this weekend.
June 13, 2013 - The Southern Illinoisan
Howard Stern in FOXNews At this point, I don't think he's very relevant,Stern says. "People will tune out within a week. I defy you to listen. It's like a rodeo _ you know, see how long you can ride a bull? See how long you can keep listening to Imus. Time it....