b rahyt
- a emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts
the sun was bright and hot
a bright sunlit room - s having striking color
bright dress - s characterized by quickness and ease in learning
some children are brighter in one subject than another - s having lots of light either natural or artificial
the room was bright and airy
a stage bright with spotlights - s made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing; reflecting a sheen or glow
bright silver candlesticks - s splendid
the bright stars of stage and screen
a bright moment in history
the bright pageantry of court - a not made dim or less bright
- s clear and sharp and ringing
the bright sound of the trumpet section - s characterized by happiness or gladness
bright faces
all the world seems bright and gay - s full or promise
had a bright future in publishing - r with brightness
the windows glowed jewel bright
- ON A BUS NEAR NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO--There is a theory of political consulting that puts great value in bright shiny objects, those sparkly ideas, issues or tactics that can .
- A new study shows that patients in nursing homes with brighter lights do better than those in dimly lit facilities.
- He's wearing a blue pinstripe suit, and his shoes are shined bright enough to shave in.