It's burnished by 3-D employees who have the requisite looks.
Her bipartisan credentials have long been burnished by her relationship with Keith Sebelius, a veteran Kansas Republican Congressman; she is married to his son Gary, a federal .
The notion was burnished by a series of subsequent elections in which black candidates saw solid leads shrink or vanish once voters cast their ballots.
The American Table: Hot sauce and honey combine for great grilled chicken wings Wings rarely are made at home because they are associated with deep frying, something most home cooks don’t want to bother with. But truth is, they are so much better grilled. When you grill them, the meat is tender and juicy and the burnished skin is crisp, not flabby.
June 14, 2013 - Grand Island Independent
Toni Morrison in Washington Post Morrison wrote: "In all its burnished majesty his gallery refuses us unearned solace and one by one by one each photograph unveils us . . . asserting a beauty, a kind of rapture, that is as close as can be to a master template of the singularity,...
Stuart Rabner in They created and burnished the image of excellence the New Jersey Supreme Court stands for. They left to all of us the task of maintaining and enhancing its luster. I pledge to try to do so each day that I am priveleged to serve on the court,...
Peter Carey in Washington Post Che loves his grandmother, but of course no one could compete with the allure of an absent mother: "He had thought about her every day, forever," Carey writes. "She was burnished, angel sunlight."