undimmed :

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  • a  not made dim or less bright
    undimmed headlights
    surprisingly the curtain started to rise while the houselights were still undimmed

  • He returns from this trail of tears like an explorer who has reclaimed shards of the past -- some history, some wisdom, a portion of fury and, most of all, a great undimmed fire.
  • But she also wears a veil, a sign that her religious faith remains undimmed.
  • These days Lydon, perhaps inspired by his early encounter with Grundy, is a frequent TV presence, his gift for profanity undimmed by the passing years.
News & Articles

  • Test storm made Mercedes stronger, says Brawn
    LONDON (Reuters) - Mercedes put a 'secret test' storm behind them on Friday with principal Ross Brawn saying it had made them stronger as a Formula One team and left his own enthusiasm for the sport undimmed. The team were reprimanded and ordered to miss a three-day young driver test in July after an independent tribunal hearing decided they had broken the rules by taking part in a tire test ...
    June 21, 2013 - Reuters via Yahoo! Sports
  • Motor racing-Test storm made Mercedes stronger, says Brawn
    LONDON, June 21 (Reuters) - Mercedes put a 'secret test' storm behind them on Friday with principal Ross Brawn saying it had made them stronger as a Formula One team and left his own enthusiasm for the sport undimmed. The team were reprimanded and ordered to miss a three-day young driver test in July after an independent tribunal hearing decided they had broken the rules by taking part in a tyre ...
    June 21, 2013 - Reuters via Yahoo! Sports

  • Condoleezza Rice in Media Monitors Network
    ...14, 2002 - A Secret - Strictly Personal Memorandum from foreign policy advisor David Manning to the Prime Minister regarding his visit with Condi Rice reported, "Condi's enthusiasm for regime change is undimmed.......... From what she...
  • Tony Blair in This is London
    Mr Blair adds: "Our ideals are undimmed. Extend opportunity to all, demand responsibilities from all, secure justice for all. Our policies are refreshed. Never has a governing party proposed a more wide-ranging programme of change for the country....
  • Sir Alex Ferguson in Goal.com
    Ferguson said in The Sun: "As I see it, this team is going to get better. They are a year older and that little experience will count." "They already have quality and their enthusiasm is undimmed so I have every right to feel confident."...

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