addled :

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a duhld

  • v  mix up or confuse
  • v  become rotten
    addled eggs
  • s  (of eggs) no longer edible
    an addled egg
  • s  confused and vague; used especially of thinking
    your addled little brain

  • So for the past half-decade, the strongest regional economy in the nation has been fueled by demand not from Internet-addled, cell-phone-addicted consumers but from government .
  • America's Adderall-addled attention span cannot keep in focus.
  • But banking bored him, and the gay Greenwich Village milieu that he slipped into was full of scruffy radicals, drug-addled theater queens and goofy twentysomethings fleeing Midwest .
News & Articles


  • Megan Fox in Montreal Gazette
    Megan Fox tells Sky Movies mag she doesn't worry about critics of her acting: "I could never be one of those actors who reads everything that is ever written about them. ...... I'd be a complete lunatic, probably drug-addled and out of my mind....
  • Jay McInerney in New York Daily News
    It was narrated in the first person,McInerney wrote on Hunter's Web site about his novel, "from the point of view of an ostensibly jaded, cocaine-addled, sexually voracious 20-year-old who was, shall we say, inspired by Lisa [Rielle]."

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