adenoid :

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a duh naw id

  • n  a collection of lymphatic tissue in the throat behind the uvula (on the posterior wall and roof of the nasopharynx)
    hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsils is called adenoids
    enlarged adenoids may restrict the breathing of children
  • a  relating to or resembling lymphatic glands or lymphoid tissue

  • Immediately there followed a great wave of tooth-pulling, tonsil-snaring, adenoid-raking, sinus-reaming.
  • We'll get a cowboy singer and have him give them an adenoid solo.
News & Articles

  • Surgery Patients Embrace New-Age Wonder Drug: The iPad
    When 10-year-old Charlie Cagann went to Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago to have his adenoids removed, he was nervous about the surgery. But when he arrived at the hospital, there was something to help take his mind off things: an iPad. Charlie -- who already owns an iPod Touch -- picked up the Apple tablet and ...        
    June 14, 2013 - Wired News

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