Such was the inspiration for Stickybot, a mechanical lizard with its own adhesive feet.
Liao bound Lin's wrists, tied him to the bed and covered his mouth and nose with adhesive tape.
Pointing a reproving finger at adhesive tape manufacturers, the Schwartz-Peck report to Surgeon General Gumming concludes: "Research in adhesive manufacture should make it .
Adhesive and Sealant Council Welcomes Connie Howe as Senior Manager, Technical Services ASC has named Connie Howe as Senior Manager, Technical Services to oversee its technically oriented programming including short courses, Training Academy, and Advanced Technology Link. Howe will also serve as staff liaison to Technical Committee. Having held several technical corporate positions and experience with various adhesive technologies, she will play leading role in developing ASC's ...
June 20, 2013 - ThomasNet
Encapsulant/Adhesive suits printer head, circuit assembly jobs. Exhibiting fracture toughness as well as chemical resistance to inks, 357-284 Wire Bond Encapsulant and Flexible Circuit Bonding Adhesive is designed to protect wire bonds and reduce stresses associated with thermal cycling. Product adheres to flexible circuits, FR4, and metal substrates and meets circuit assembly and semiconductor standards for ionic cleanliness (extractable ions) to prevent ...
June 20, 2013 - ThomasNet
Laminating Adhesive accelerates fill of food packages. With Flextra Fast™ SF8700/XR1000, flexible packaging converters can laminate barrier films together faster than with conventional solventless adhesive systems. Product accommodates line speeds up to 1,200 fpm with 800 fpm on barrier-to-barrier laminations, slits in as few as 6 hours, and PAA decay and pouching in as little as one day. Flextra Fast SF8700/XR1000 system is suitable for PET ...
June 18, 2013 - ThomasNet
Takagi in The coating did not have enough adhesive strength, so it may peel off and curl up, hurting a user's hand,said Sony spokeswoman Ryoko Takagi.
David Letterman in Arizona Daily Star Or does a fresh-faced, slightly dark-skinned, consummate political performer simply outdraw a respected septuagenarian who David Letterman said "looks like the kind of guy who brags that his new denture adhesive lets him eat corn on the cob."
John Updike in ESPN Several people have tried to use carbon nanotube films and other fibrous structures as high-adhesive surfaces and to mimic gecko feet, but with limited success when it comes to realistic demonstrations of the stickiness and reversibility that one... Pulickel M Ajayan AScribe (press release) Jun 18, 2007
1271 1941 adieu In his 1960 essay Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu," published in The New Yorker, John Updike said Gowdy sounded like "everybody's brother-in-law."