stinker :

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  • n  a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible
  • n  anything that gives off an offensive odor (especially a cheap cigar)
  • n  an artifact (especially an automobile) that is defective or unsatisfactory

  • Judge Jones didn't buy that loophole (and for that matter the Discovery Institute stayed out of this case entirely, evidently realizing that it was a legal stinker).
  • Somebody got out the word stinker and did it quick, possibly in 140 characters.
  • The mystic who was a stinker before he had the zero-experience remains a stinker after the experience.
News & Articles

  • Breeze-Figs Quick-Pix for Saturday, June 15th
    With the weathers gods wreaking havoc all over the place, it wasn’t exactly a busy, or form-filled week, on the BreezeFigs front. However, there were some good results to offset our stinker of a Pick from last week.
    June 14, 2013 - Daily Racing Form

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