obviate :

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ob vee ayt

  • v  do away with
  • v  prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening

  • The House has cleverly passed an amendment to obviate the need of an election.
  • Intuition cannot obviate hard facts and decisions cannot be taken on intuition alone.
  • BAGGING IT Shaun Jackson Design's Higher Ground laptop bags are light, compact and cleverly configured to obviate the need for a desk.
News & Articles

  • First, tax issues and permit fees must be settled
    Most elements of the proposed Tijuana Aeropuerto Binacional have been settled and, theoretically, construction could begin in a few weeks. The airport will feature a trans-border facility that will obviate the need for American travelers to cross at the San Ysidro or Otay border stations.
    July 24, 2013 - San Diego Reader

  • Barack Obama in CBS News
    There was one problem: My father was missing,Mr. Obama wrote. "And nothing my mother or my grandparents could tell me could obviate that single, unassailable fact."
  • Mike Beebe in Forbes
    The legislators are going to be concerned about their own election or re-election. That's the end of March or the middle of March,Beebe told reporters. "It seems that the optimum time if you're going to reach a consensus that would obviate...
  • Charles Schumer in Khaleej Times
    If the president were to voluntarily institute the review and delay the contract that would obviate the need for our legislation, but a simple cooling-off period will not allay our concerns,said Sen. Charles Schumer.

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