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  • n  a mistake resulting from inattention
  • n  a break or intermission in the occurrence of something
    a lapse of three weeks between letters
  • n  a failure to maintain a higher state
  • v  pass into a specified state or condition
  • v  end, at least for a long time
    The correspondence lapsed
  • v  drop to a lower level, as in one's morals or standards
  • v  go back to bad behavior
  • v  let slip
    He lapsed his membership
  • v  pass by
    three years elapsed

  • The policies either lapse or are surrendered for their cash value.
  • The University of Utah, which held the patent on the process, allowed it to lapse, and cold fusion fell from view.
  • Silverman's family suspects a lapse on the part of the zoo.
News & Articles

  • Watch time-lapse slideshow of southern New Mexico from 1984 to 2012
    Watch time-lapse sequences from all over the world, including the southern New Mexico area, from the time period 1984 to 2012. TIME in partnership with Google has released the NASA Landsat image slideshows.
    June 11, 2013 - Las Cruces Sun-News
  • Time-lapse video captures South Dakota’s glorious night sky
    Photographer Randy Halverson is a native South Dakotan, and this time-lapse video, "Horizons," is his love letter to the state. Watch the captivating video, which features the dark skies of central and western South Dakota. The film captures night vistas up above—including shooting stars and the Milky Way—and tall stalks of corn waving in the [...]
    June 10, 2013 - The Sideshow via Yahoo! News
  • Time lapse video: Hawaii’s volcanoes
    Here's a beautiful time-lapse of Hawaii's volcanoes to start your week off. Read more about QTLuong's video here
    June 10, 2013 - WTKR Norfolk

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