hubbub :

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huh buhb

  • n  loud confused noise from many sources

  • Alla objected to the spelling, but her modest protests were drowned in the gin-laced hubbub.
  • Amid all the hubbub came Entertainment Weekly, whose cover subjects, Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart, make their livings by pointing out the pervasive folly of the political process.
  • G spot is for the new book about that odd finding, published amid considerable commercial hubbub: a first printing of 150,000 hardback copies by Holt, Rinehart and Winston, and .
News & Articles

  • The Quickest Health Quiz on the Planet Now Inspiring Employees to Live Healthier
    PORTLAND, Ore., July 3, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Traditional health assessment tools often take nearly 30 minutes to complete, and have no immediate impact or action to encourage healthier behaviors. hubbub ...
    July 3, 2013 - PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
  • Josh Flory: No appeals on Walnut Street demolition
    For all the hubbub surrounding a pair of old buildings on Walnut Street, a final milestone passed quietly.
    July 2, 2013 - Knoxville News Sentinel
  • Change Your Clothes In Borderlands 2
    If you dream of playing dress up with Krieg the Psycho, we have great news for you. Nine new costume packs are available today for Borderlands 2 players – four for Krieg and one for each of the other five vault hunters. The sets include new skins and heads and cost $0.99 each. You might not have played Borderlands 2 since its release last September. If so, catch up with all the hubbub by reading ...
    July 2, 2013 - Game Informer

  • Steve Carell in Manolith
    Perez Hilton reports that when asked about all the attention he's received over leaving, he replied, "I didn't see it as a huge thing and I certainly didn't anticipate any sort of hubbub over it: They've incorporated so many new characters and so...
  • James Amann in Hartford Courant
    That's a lot of hubbub, bub,Amann said. "It's less than three weeks before the election. It's pretty transparent."
  • Jon Kitna in Detroit Free Press
    I'm proud of him, because he showed us as players how you do your job amid all the hubbub and things, because he never once talked about it,Kitna said. "The way he installed plays this week was the same as he installed plays the first week...

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