The couple, both 55, now are warning powerful conservative Christians about the pitfalls of hubris in the aftermath of their victories over liberals last November.
Biotechnology is pure hubris; biomimicry is luminous humility treating nature as model and mentor, cherished not as a mine to be stripped of its resources but as a teacher.
Our fascination with the crime becomes a populist mania: an obsession with the wreckage of the rich and famous, comeuppance for hubris, a communal grasping for a moral to a sordid tale.
Opinion: From victim to villain Turkey is no Egypt and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan no Hosni Mubarak. This is not a "Turkish Spring," but a message to an elected leader to reign in his hubris and his divisive politics.
June 11, 2013 - CNN
Underwater: A Toledo man's brush with the Iowa River It can happen to anyone. The Toledo man who had his car sucked into the Iowa River May 31 said it wasn't hubris or bad driving that led to the ordeal. It all happened so fast; he didn't have time to correct himself.
June 9, 2013 - Marshalltown Times-Republican
Andrew Cuomo in Times Online The conduct of Bank of America, through its top management, was motivated by self-interest, greed, hubris and a palpable sense that the normal rules of fair play did not apply to them,Mr Cuomo said.
Tony Blair in Reuters UK The real problem was not the brilliance of the Tory conference, but the hubris and vacuity of our own. This meant the Tories, by having something to say on policy, appeared substantial and to represent the future,Blair wrote. "There has...
Mario Draghi in International Herald Tribune Market participants failed to soundly manage, measure and disclose risks, with ignorance, greed or hubris playing their customary roles,said Mario Draghi, the governor of the Bank of Italy, who is involved in international efforts to deal...