countenance :

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kown tuh nuhns

  • n  the appearance conveyed by a person's face
    a pleasant countenance
  • n  formal and explicit approval
  • n  the human face (`kisser' and `smiler' and `mug' are informal terms for `face' and `phiz' is British)
  • v  consent to, give permission

  • The country's representative at the UN General Assembly said that such flagrant violations of existing treaties cannot be countenanced.
  • They were wasting their precious time for the court did not countenance such spurious transactions.
  • And that, said Black, would be more than the court should countenance.
News & Articles

  • Coping In A Toxic Work Environment
    Recently, I had the occasion to observe a group of employees who were working in a toxic work environment. I witnessed the decline of self-esteem in each one of them as they endured month after month of poor leadership and dysfunction in their workplace. I was truly amazed at the change to the countenance of each of these employees as their situation continually grew worse. If one could have ...
    June 18, 2013 - Forbes

  • Condoleezza Rice in Guardian Unlimited
    If we countenance a process where our subpoenas can be readily ignored, where a witness under a duly authorized subpoena doesn't even have to bother to show up, where privilege can be asserted on the thinnest basis and in the broadest possible... John Conyers International Herald Tribune Jul 24, 2007 22828 30676 countenance We are not going to countenance that somehow ...... the Palestinians are divisible," Rice told reporters. "We're not going to abandon the Palestinians who are living in Gaza."
  • Rupert Murdoch in Forbes
    Murdoch said the Journal represented "American journalism at its best. ...... Any interference - or even hint of interference - would break the trust that exists between the paper and its readers, something I am unwilling to countenance."

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