absentminded :

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  • s  lost in thought; showing preoccupation
    an absentminded professor

  • The baby: The report says an absentminded guard at an unidentified federal building sent a baby through an X-ray machine while the baby's mother was pulling out her identification.
  • They, plus their adopted son Russell, plus Uncle Fletcher, an absentminded, somewhat deaf, minutely anecdotal citizen, are the chief characters in the show.
  • Daydreaming may seem absentminded and pointless, but it actually demands a lot of the brain's processing power.
News & Articles

  • Joy of seeing daughter do it her way
    My 4-year-old daughter is accident-prone and absentminded, which, in youthful incarnations, are adorable qualities. I watched Nora enter her pre-K classroom recently, face-plant, then quietly get up and make her way over to the breakfast table to sit with her friends. I recognized myself in the casual gracelessness of the act and felt a strange motherly pride watching her quick recovery; while ...
    July 18, 2013 - The Philadelphia Inquirer

  • Mark Sanford in San Francisco Chronicle
    I hope my luck turns,Sanford said. "Yesterday, I had the eye issue, today I was absentminded and didn't have my voter registration card."
  • Paul Bettany in Telegraph.co.uk
    As Bettany said: "There's a slight absentminded closeness that you see between Jennifer and I in the movie which is really, really useful".
  • Stewart Cink in PGA Tour
    I just seem to be sort of a lightning rod with this rules situation,Cink said good-naturedly. "The first one happened because I was oblivious to it and the one today because I was somewhat absentminded about going down to balance myself,...

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