Along with that went the "theological" view of Pollock as an ideal abstractionist obsessed by flatness, which ignored the fact that there were only four years of his life (1947 .
Most of the work was abstract, with each abstractionist striving for some idiom of his own.
A small gallery in the Alps plays host to the great Kandinsky, one of the most influential artists of the abstractionist movement Move Over Austen.
Christopher Loudon It’s difficult to imagine a better intoxicant than absinthe to describe fearless vocal abstractionist Fay Victor. The anise-flavored spirit gained favor in Paris in the early 20th century, among the sort of artistic iconoclasts—Wilde, Toulouse-Lautrec, Satie—who...
Jan. 4, 2014 - JazzTimes Magazine
Richard Donner in Independent quote in the documentary comes at the glitzy private view where celebrity guests tell the camera what a great artist Damian is before Hollywood director Richard Donner says: "I'm a realist, not an abstractionist. When I look at...