blooming :

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b looh ming

  • n  the organic process of bearing flowers
  • v  produce or yield flowers
  • s  informal intensifiers

  • Florals are blooming everywhere this spring, from the runways to the streets, and Prada is following suit with its limited-edition fragrance Infusion de Fleur d'Oranger.
  • Roses are blooming this spring on everything from sandals and hair accessories to delicately encrusted pav pieces.
  • When it senses that power consumption is low, it rewards you by blooming - its metal petals unfold attractively.
News & Articles


  • Tony Stewart in
    We tend to be a late-blooming team,Stewart explained. "We plan on doing the same thing we do every week. We're not changing our approach. Every week our goal is to win the race, and that's not going to change. That's how we've won two...
  • William James in Economist
    One great blooming, buzzing confusionwas how William James, a 19th-century psychologist, described the way he thought the world looked to a newborn baby.
  • Frederick Law Olmsted in Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
    It was at Highland, the late city historian Blake McKelvey wrote in 1988, where Olmsted responded to the local interest in "blooming fields and gardens."

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