It used to be that the big dogs of Hong Kong cinema got to do the bums-on-seats films with fat budgets while the little runts did their weeny stuff, wagging their .
But he also had to make his movies in no time (three, maybe six, days) on weeny budgets (Jail Bait cost $22,000).
This time, suggesting more modest aspirations, or maybe kiddingly deflecting the audience's gargantuan expectations, it's a weeny prairie dog hill, from which a critter emerges .
No More Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Bikinis At This Year’s Miss World Pageant If you are a fan of the Miss World pageant, this year you will notice something different, none of the contestants will be marching across the stage in an itsy bitsy teeny weeny-- yellow polka dot or otherwise-- bikini. According to the New York Times, the contestants will have to forgo their normal 'skin-flaunting' two piece for a rather modest one-pieces, covered by a sarong. Why the sudden ...
June 8, 2013 - The Atlanta Post
Paul Henry in TVNZ Henry says his Gran, who they lived with, was a "weeny bit racist" and used to tell him the "Iti's" (Italians) were going to move in and slowly take over the country.
Max Shachtman in Australia.TO At the other size extreme are what technology journalist Noah Shachtman describes as "itty-bitty, teeny-weeny UAVs."
Freddie Jones in San Francisco Chronicle I do look like Debussy, apparently. Someone sent me a photo of that. Dylan Thomas I look a weeny bit like as well. The list could go on,Jones joked. "Who else? David Beckham, Prince Charles, the list's endless. I could make myself all...