weeny :

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wee nee

  • s  (used informally) very small

  • It used to be that the big dogs of Hong Kong cinema got to do the bums-on-seats films with fat budgets while the little runts did their weeny stuff, wagging their .
  • But he also had to make his movies in no time (three, maybe six, days) on weeny budgets (Jail Bait cost $22,000).
  • This time, suggesting more modest aspirations, or maybe kiddingly deflecting the audience's gargantuan expectations, it's a weeny prairie dog hill, from which a critter emerges .
News & Articles

  • No More Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Bikinis At This Year’s Miss World Pageant
    If you are a fan of the Miss World pageant, this year you will notice something different, none of the contestants will be marching across the stage in an itsy bitsy teeny weeny-- yellow polka dot or otherwise-- bikini. According to the New York Times, the contestants will have to forgo their normal 'skin-flaunting' two piece for a rather modest one-pieces, covered by a sarong. Why the sudden ...
    June 8, 2013 - The Atlanta Post

  • Paul Henry in TVNZ
    Henry says his Gran, who they lived with, was a "weeny bit racist" and used to tell him the "Iti's" (Italians) were going to move in and slowly take over the country.
  • Max Shachtman in Australia.TO
    At the other size extreme are what technology journalist Noah Shachtman describes as "itty-bitty, teeny-weeny UAVs."
  • Freddie Jones in San Francisco Chronicle
    I do look like Debussy, apparently. Someone sent me a photo of that. Dylan Thomas I look a weeny bit like as well. The list could go on,Jones joked. "Who else? David Beckham, Prince Charles, the list's endless. I could make myself all...

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