For beating the establishment, he became a national hero, especially among opposition politicians, who today use cell phones to summon supporters to rallies and alert radio .
As Secretary of State, she must summon all her skills as a communicator while administering a large bureaucracy in a turbulent era on a global stage.
The image instantly summoned is of the traveling businessman who wants a smidge of sexual exercise before retiring, but who is too tired, timid or cheap to summon a call girl.
Action needed on drought Oregon and federal officials need to respond quickly to the Baker County Board of Commissioners’ June 5 declaration of a drought emergency. The need for state and federal aid, which the county’s declaration is intended to summon, becomes more likely with the passage of each dry day.
June 14, 2013 -
Lunching with finks at Trattoria Borgia I can see it clearly, as if I am there. The vision is awful, edges crisp, every detail amplified. The emotions it summons are stark. I’ve experienced this vision in dreams — nightmares, actually — but I can summon it from my past while awake. It is terrifying.
June 13, 2013 - The Pagosa Springs Sun
Sofia Coppola Reveals Her Summer Plans At 'The Bling Ring' NY Premiere; Cast Talks About Getting Close The cloudy sky and brief burst of rain couldn't dispel the optimism of the largely unknown "The Bling Ring" cast (save for Emma Watson) as they unveiled Sofia Coppola's latest at the Paris Theater on Tuesday evening with an intimate event hosted by Louis Vuitton and Vanity Fair. Nor could it alleviate the cool factor, as the infinitely stylish Coppola was able to summon up an impressive array of ...
June 13, 2013 - indieWIRE
Barack Obama in Voice of America All this, in turn, requires something else, which is something more fundamental,said President Obama. "It will require a new mindset - that we summon the will, as nations and as partners, to do what this moment in history demands."
Rahm Emanuel in FOXNews We often disagree, but I respect their motives,Emanuel said. "Now is a time for unity, and, Mr. President-elect, I will do everything in my power to help you stitch together the frayed fabric of our politics, and help summon Americans of...
Saeb Erekat in International Herald Tribune In my opinion if the president says this it means he personally will not pursue this any longer,Erekat told The Associated Press. "He will summon the PLO Executive Committee, or leadership, and study the options, anything short of a civil...