sanctify :

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sangktuh fahy

  • v  render holy by means of religious rites
  • v  make pure or free from sin or guilt

  • Beneath its lacquered surfaces and tasteful period trappings, Lust, Caution is a movie about the ineffable mystery of sex its power to debase, as well as to sanctify.
  • During campaigning, Porush said little about how he would sanctify Jerusalem, but many Israelis envisioned the city becoming a ghost town on the Sabbath, with all restaurants .
  • Most film makers have used Expo's theme"Man and His World"to sanctify a marriage of convenience between formidable technique and flaccid story.
News & Articles

  • An ending we’ll never forget
    Nobody rushes to judgment more than sports fans. We love what we just saw. We want to sanctify what just happened by giving it historical context, and as a result...
    Dec. 1, 2013 - New York Post

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