refinement :

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ruh fahyn muhnt

  • n  a highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable quality
    I admired the exquisite refinement of his prose
  • n  the result of improving something
    he described a refinement of this technique
  • n  the process of removing impurities (as from oil or metals or sugar etc.)
  • n  a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude
  • n  the quality of excellence in thought and manners and taste
    a man of intellectual refinement

  • He thinks abstractly, making it equally fascinating and difficult to talk to him, since he turns nearly every contribution one makes to the conversation into a refinement of his .
  • Design Innovation: Reimagined flat, drab soap dispensers as sleek, rounded objects of translucent elegance and refinement.
  • One industrial challenge after another led Carrier to make refinement after refinement in his systems.
News & Articles


  • Bud Selig in ESPN
    With refinement, that structure could provide true independence for the program,Selig said.
  • President Bush in Guardian Unlimited
    President Johnson once called her a woman of ideals, principles, intelligence, and refinement. She remained so throughout their life together, and in the many years given to her afterward,President Bush said.
  • Jill Lajdziak in Forbes
    People who go into a small car want expressive design and they want a level of refinement in the interior,said Jill Lajdziak, Saturn general manager. "We've got to make sure that our small cars are delivering what they want. They don't...

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