muh dee
- v dirty with mud
- v cause to become muddy
- v make turbid
muddy the water - s (of soil) soft and watery
muddy barnyard - s dirty and messy; covered with mud or muck
muddy boots - s (of color) discolored by impurities; not bright and clear
muddy colors - s (of liquids) clouded as with sediment
muddy coffee
- Strategically that camping ground was of more value to Italy than the just-captured muddy little town behind it, for it was a practical airplane landing field, one of the few in .
- The yellow giant skidded across the green marsh into the muddy waters of a shallow duck pond, wherein the giant's beak stuck.
- At the Delaware County Fair in New York state, demolition derby entrants crash their clunkers on the muddy track of the grandstand.