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- Anchor Tours purchases Brantley Charter
Nashville-based motorcoach transportation company Anchor Tours purchased Brantley Charter Inc. of Lexington, Tenn. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.
June 13, 2013 - Metro Magazine - Northeast Indiana Motorcoach Dealer to Participate in and Host Events in Michigan During June and July
Panterra Luxury Coaches will be going to an event in Bay Harbor, Michigan in June and hosting a special five day event in July at Hearthside Grove RV & Motorcoach resort in Petoskey, Michigan. (PRWeb June 11, 2013) Read the full story at
June 11, 2013 - PRWeb
- Carl Edwards in Boston Globe (registration)
I just hated to see him like that for so long,Edwards said. "I'd wake up in the morning, and Tom would walk in [the motorcoach] and I'd just laugh at this guy. It's unreal. It means a lot for him to do it." - Kay Bailey Hutchison in Houston Chronicle
I am pleased to co-sponsor new legislation that will enhance federal safety guidelines governing motorcoaches,Hutchison said. "With an eye toward prevention, we can help avert future motorcoach accidents and make the roads safer for... - Bobby Labonte in
One of the things I'm going to miss is not having him parked next to me in the motorcoach lot,Bobby said. "We always park next to each and I've enjoyed that. It was a little different not having him around much the past two seasons, but...