numerologist :

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  • n  a believer in numerology

  • We treat it with a numerologist's zeal.
  • Edna and Nella), partly to comply with the instructions of a numerologist.
  • So impressive were the results that she began to teach friends in New York City, where she was living (and where she had changed her name to Callan on the advice of a numerologist).
News & Articles

  • Numerology reading a total shocker for Robin
    World renowned numerologist Yogi Akal uses the symbolism of numbers to determine a person’s personality, strengths and predict the future. He joins the Morning News to read Frank and Robin’s birthdays and the meaning behind them. …
    July 10, 2013 - WGN TV Chicago

  • Nikki Garrett in Melbourne Herald Sun
    On the way over here, we stopped at Los Angeles and I met a numerologist who said it wasn't going to be a very good year for me, so I was a bit worried,Garrett said. "I thought this year would be a lot harder than last year because I had...
  • Brent Barry in
    I'm not a numerologist,Barry says. "But maybe (Popovich) will do something crazy like take us to see a psychic and see if there is something in the stars that we can use to our advantage. Maybe that will get us over the hump."

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