hearing :

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hee ring

  • n  (law) a proceeding (usually by a court) where evidence is taken for the purpose of determining an issue of fact and reaching a decision based on that evidence
  • n  an opportunity to state your case and be heard
    they condemned him without a hearing
  • n  the range within which a voice can be heard
  • n  the act of hearing attentively
    they make good music--you should give them a hearing
  • n  a session (of a committee or grand jury) in which witnesses are called and testimony is taken
    the investigative committee will hold hearings in Chicago
  • n  the ability to hear; the auditory faculty
    his hearing was impaired
  • v  perceive (sound) via the auditory sense
  • v  get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally
  • v  examine or hear (evidence or a case) by judicial process
  • v  receive a communication from someone
  • v  listen and pay attention
  • a  able to perceive sound

  • No matter how famous the person in the spotlight, Senate confirmation hearings have certain fixed rules.
  • Click here for transcript of the portion of the hearing given to the President's attorney.
  • A new study of teenage iPod use confirms what you probably already knew: many kids listen to their music too loudly, and they aren't aware of the risk to their hearing.
News & Articles

  • Hearing officer says St. Louis cop did not use excessive force during arrest
    Hearing officer concluded St. Louis officer violated department policy by using profanity and lying about it later.
    June 11, 2013 - St. Louis Post-Dispatch
  • Hearing Loss Associated With Hospitalization, Poorer Self-Reported Health
    Hearing loss (HL) is a chronic condition that affects nearly 2 of every 3 adults aged 70 years or older in the United States. Hearing loss has broader implications for older adults, being independently associated with poorer cognitive and physical functioning. The association of HL with other health economic outcomes, such as health care use, is unstudied.
    June 11, 2013 - Newswise
  • Hearing postponed in sex case
    SCRANTON - The preliminary hearing for a Carbondale man accused of having sex with a 15-year-old girl was continued Tuesday in Central Court. The hearing for Nicholas Bonafide, 22, of 22 Russell St., is rescheduled for June 24 at 11 a.m. Carbondale poli
    June 11, 2013 - The Scranton Times-Tribune

  • Monty Williams in WWL (blog)
    Democrats haven't scheduled so much as a committee hearing for Donald Berwick but the mere possibility of allowing the American people the opportunity to hear what he intends to do with their health care is evidently reason enough for this... Mitch McConnell http://www.google.com/url?q=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitch_McConnell&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNEZA1ca3PJ7nNpSJFQIuI8CQ4eMWw msnbc.com http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38117251/ns/health/&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNFc-gFbkQnGdQGe6nzEyy-zL0px6w Jul 6, 2010 46147 62604 hearing No. To be honest with you, I'm not," Williams said Wednesday. "I'm tired of hearing about all that to be honest with you. It's overblown and we've been talking about it for two years."
  • Barack Obama in United Press International
    If and when a "further accounting" becomes necessary, Congress should look for ways an examination could be done in a bipartisan fashion "outside of the typical hearing process that can sometimes break down and break it entirely along party...

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