fuck :

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  • n  slang for sexual intercourse
  • v  have sexual intercourse with

  • Mona, 1970: The Jazz Singer of fuck films, Mona was pretty sure of itself for a lonely pioneer.
  • And in all those other hazing periods people were just trying to fuck with me.
  • His version of falling in love is a second fuck.
News & Articles


  • Prince Harry in guardian.co.uk
    Harry says: "It's Dan the Man ...... Fuck me, you look like a raghead."
  • Lily Allen in Gigwise
    Visibly angry, Allen said: "Fuck off Elton. I am 40 years younger than you and have my whole life ahead of me!"
  • Chris Brown in Rolling Stone
    One day earlier Brown posted, "im tired of this shit. major stores r blackballing my cd. not stockin the shelves and lying to costumers. what the fuck do i gotta do:"

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