shag :

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  • n  a strong coarse tobacco that has been shredded
  • n  a matted tangle of hair or fiber
    the dog's woolly shag
  • n  a fabric with long coarse nap
    he bought a shag rug
  • n  slang for sexual intercourse
  • n  a lively dance step consisting of hopping on each foot in turn
  • v  dance the shag

  • Those who failed to recognize his square-cut features, his shag of greying hair, his solid bulk, little dreamed that they were witnessing the departure of a famed citizen on the .
  • Inside, the walls are lined with a velveteen fabric, the floor is covered in shag carpeting and there's minimal sound equipment just a dated computer, two keyboards, a .
  • The little semi-autonomous, battery-powered vacs are extremely good at certain tasks dusting under beds, sweeping up dry, localized messes though not so hot at others; shag .
News & Articles

  • Redmond thrilled to be joined by kids at park
    Three No. 11 jerseys of late take the field when the Marlins begin batting practice before each home game. Miami manager Mike Redmond stands in front of the mound and throws batting practice to his team. Meanwhile, his sons, Michael and Ryan, shag flies, field grounders and even squeeze in some batting practice.
    June 16, 2013 - Florida Marlins
  • Encore comes home to Anderson for the Piedmont Natural Gas Block Party
    Mix of shag and funk music will fill downtown tonight.
    June 13, 2013 - Anderson Independent-Mail
  • City Slang: Motor City Shakedown in Corktown
    Three Detroit rock n roll bands will be joined by the Living Deads from Denveras on Saturday, June 29 at the Corktown Tavern for the Motor City Shakedown. Local bands on the bill are: WHITE SHAG – “This powerhouse rock trio won the award for “Outstanding Hard Rock/Metal Group” at the Detroit Music Awards this year and just released a video for their song “Die For Me.” They have been rocking ...
    June 12, 2013 - Detroit Metro Times

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