Fmr. Fed Top Economist Warns of “Bumpy Ride” The Federal Reserve Bank’s former Chief Economist, David Stockton, warns of a "bumpy ride" ahead. He also criticizes his former employer. Even with a better-performing economy, markets are in for a “bumpy ride”, cautions the Federal Reserve Bank’s former Chief … Continue reading ?
June 14, 2013 - Talking Numbers via Yahoo! Finance
Another Bumpy Ride in Store for Markets Thursday could be bumpy, as rising interest rates continue to shake up markets and traders watch foreign exchange markets with a wary eye.
June 13, 2013 - CNBC
Tiger Wood in Palm Beach Post I hit so many putts that - my good ones are not going in, and then my bad ones aren't even close,Woods told reporters. "It's a little bit slow and bumpy, but you have to be committed to hitting it that hard, and I left a lot of putts...
Kevin Smith in The Associated Press Even though we are making the right decision to lower the price of iPhone, and even though the technology road is bumpy, we need to do a better job taking care of our early iPhone customers as we aggressively go after new ones with a lower price.... Steve Jobs CNET Sep 6, 2007
13544 18339 bumpy It's going to be a bumpy ride," Smith said.