Whether burdened by an overwhelming flurry of daily commitments or stifled by a sense of social isolation (or, oddly, both); whether mired for hours in a sense of life's .
The LDP remains burdened with a deeply unpopular leader whose days appear to be numbered.
When the blizzard finally blew itself out, Army planes took off to drop supplies, scour the snow-burdened plains for signs of distress.
Is The Eurozone Crisis Set To Flare Up? Submitted by Lance Roberts of Street Talk Live blog , I have written in the past that all is not solved in the Euro-zone. In fact, despite the ongoing jawboning from the ECB that they stand ready to "do anything," in reality they have done little to this point other than just talk. While that has worked to a large degree to suppress rising interest rates on debt burdened Euro-zone countries ...
June 11, 2013 - Zero Hedge
This year it's rain that is hurting U.S. crops ST. LOUIS, June 10 (UPI) -- Farmers in the U.S. Midwest say they are burdened with the opposite problem this spring as the one they endured in 2012 with too much water this time around.
June 10, 2013 - UPI
Barack Obama in Los Angeles Times We have made a strong commitment to work with Iraq to get out of the Chapter 7 constraints that were imposed after the Gulf War,Obama said. "It would be a mistake for Iraq to continue to be burdened [by the acts of] a deposed dictator."
John McCain in Washington Post In it, McCain wrote, "Opening up the health insurance market to more vigorous nationwide competition, as we have done over the last decade in banking, would provide more choices of innovative products less burdened by the worst excesses of...
Patty Murray in International Herald Tribune The ethical allegations against Jackson "meant that the Bush administration's ineffective housing policies were being burdened by an even more ineffective HUD Secretary," Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., said after Jackson's announcement.